Getting Crafty At The Cottage

Members Return To Cottage After Isolation!

Craft Cottage Members
Members Marg, Karen, Chris, Anne and Annette working on their soft toys

The Community Project program has been running non-stop in the background while members have been in isolation. Hundreds of items havebeen sewn and knitted. (See
The members are now very happy to be back!
The cottage quickly resembled a ‘much-needed workroom’ as members settled in to embellish the soft toys. Each toy received individual embellishments (similar to fiddle mats) and will soon be off to the Mission Possible Volunteers to be delivered to their new forever owners in hospitals and nursing homes.
The photo above show some members from left Marg, Karen, Chris, Anne and Annette working on their soft toys.

Craft Cottage Members Soft Toys
The resulting soft toys made by Craft Cottage members ready to be sent to Mission Possible Volunteers

If you want to know more about the project, please contact Pat 0497 643 450 or Margaret 0408 190 249.