LADS Latest Projects

LADS Projects
LADS Projects

Members Tinkered Around In Their Own Sheds

During lockdown, members of LADS (Logan Districts Men’s Shed Inc.) have been working on projects in their own sheds.
As the landlords of the property that the LADS Shed is located on it felt very lonely to go into the shed while the COVID-19 restrictions were in place. No power tools firing up, no welding flashes to be seen, no yarns being told, no teaspoons clinking on coffee cups to be heard but worst of all no happy faces to be seen.

LADS Projects - Benny
LADS Projects - Brad

Brad (a founding member from Yarrabilba) has been instrumental in keep a constant communication line going between all the members, with phone calls to everyone to check how they are. We were all so pleased when the restrictions were eased, and we are delighted to say that the urn is on and the LADS are back.
Over the break Liz has been very busy designing our new shirts which look amazing. Many of our members have spent lots of time tinkering around in their own sheds. Darrell has been doing a bit of fishing and he built himself a smoker and has been keeping his omega-3’s up. Brad has built a new wood working bench for the shed and is working on a set of organising drawers for screws and nails.

LADS Projects

After a couple of busy weeks back in the shed our members saw the completion of the fifth (5th) picnic table for the Cedar Grove Environmental Centre. These beautiful handcrafted picnic tables are made from timber removed from the site. The last two have blue resin in the natural formed valleys of the tabletop. Ian has done the vast amount of work on these tables and has taught other members new skills and techniques. We are all very proud that we have been able to produce these tables from reclaimed timber and they are being returned to the place that the once grew.
By Sheryl Cooper, Secretary LADS (Logan Districts Men’s Shed Inc.)