Angie Grace Dares To Dreams Big In “Lil’ Community”
Angie Grace talks about her debut single, being in Year 12 during a pandemic, and the value of community …
Logan songstress Angie Grace ‘dares to dream big’ and has launched into the next phase of her music career with the release of her debut single and music video, “Lil’ Community”.
The determined 17-year old set herself the ambitious task of performing and producing her own music video after spending her time in social isolation creating new material. On a shoestring budget, Angie Grace created the nostalgic feel good piece paying homage to her community.

“I am fascinated by people and relationships” Angie Grace said.
“We each have the ability to touch other people’s lives with our actions. Lil’ Community is my interpretation of finding pleasure in small acts of kindness and one good deed deserving another” she said. Holed up at home during a pandemic is not how the aspiring singer songwriter imagined spending the second term of her final year of high school.
Regarded as one of Logan’s best up and coming solo acoustic entertainers, Angie Grace was forced to give up performing at local clubs and cafes as Queensland descended into social isolation. The resourceful teenager used the enforced break to focus on song writing and planning the release of her first single.
“They say necessity is the mother of invention” Angie Grace laughed. I love working with other creative people and being hands on, but COVID-19 forced me to think about things differently. I decided to use social isolation as a time to write music and to work out how I could communicate to an audience when I couldn’t play my music live” she said.
Angie Grace’s planning and hard work paid off when the team from BEMAC advised her she been given the green light to have Lil’ Community partially funded.
With $500 from BEMAC she scratched together a further $500 and set about bringing her project to life.

Angie Grace attributes the success of her music video to the generosity of the Beenleigh Historical Village, the Village Green Theatre Company, local cinematographers White Bug Film Co, friends and family.
“I am very grateful to our little community for getting behind me to make this music video possible” Angie Grace said.
“We all had heaps of fun producing it and I learned so much along the way. I’m already planning my follow up single” she said.
Angie Grace’s musical inspirations include Frank Sinatra, Billy Joel, the Beetles, Ed Sheeran and Harry Styles with her own rendition of Fly Me to the Moon a regular crowd favourite.
With a new position at De Vito Waterfront in Southport with singing Chef David De Vito Angie Grace is looking forward to completing Year 12 and advancing her musical career.