3 Day Muddy River Bush Poetry Competition
From Friday 11 until Sunday 13 September, the Logan Performance Bush Poets will be holding their annual three day event in Beenleigh at the Historical Village. There will be three events consisting of Classical, Modern and Original poetry with trophies, medals and good prize money awarded.
Various levels include:
1. Novice where the contestant has not won a bush poetry event yet but can refer to a poem on a sheet, performing an original or a poem written by someone else;
2. Classical which is a bush poem written before 1950 by someone else;
3. Modern which is a bush poem written by another poet since 1950; and
4. Original written by the poet. The main competition day is on Saturday 12th September starting at 9.00am.

It is free to get in and spectators very welcome. Find out more details on facebook.com/Logan-Performance-Bush-Poets or call the Logan’s Poets Event Coordinator, Gerry, on 0499 942 922.