Fat Ankles’ feet never touch the ground like an extraterrestrial or Jesus, or maybe that’s what Jesus was, just with tentacles.
When I met Fat Ankle he had an Octopus wrapped around one arm and a Rat spitting blood draped over his shoulder. My rather unconventional greeting was “Hey 🙂 Can I play in your chair”? “Yeah sure” he replied, so I jumped in and took it for a spin, luckily the brakes were on!
A. So what about comic books?
F. No one buys comics anymore just too old school. I started drawing underground comic books at highschool influenced by Robert Crumb who’s also an underground artist.
A. Woaow, you guys work underground?
F. No, it’s an expression that means it’s just not mainstream. So anyway, I went on to study traditional animation, I didn’t like it but met guys that I collaborated with and together we created Phatsville Comix in 2002 then then sold them at conventions.
A. When I saw your work for the first time I had an image in my head of you first discovering a framed vintage print of a farmhouse and field and fantasising on how you could Fk it up.
F. Yeah when I first Fkd up Farmhouse 3-4 years people just liked it, over the years I’ve developed a cast of characters that I manage to find homes for. They include: Tentacled creatures, Skeletons, A murder monster, Aliens, like the Greys with four or six eyes and little monsters. Their world has developed, the world came after the art.
A. Cool, I felt I connected with the octopus tentacle, I connected with ‘that’ tentacle.
F. Yeah, a lot of people do, they can be friendly or evil depending on how you paint them in my classic green and pink, I never really have them doing anything particularly good or bad, I leave that up to the viewer.
There have been a couple where I make a certain point that actually shows what the tentacles are attached to, only 1 or 2 paintings show that of the hundreds that I have done.
A. Awesome, so how can peeps contact you to commission a piece or find out about your business Fat Ankle?