The Arrows Fly ‘Fast & Friendly’!
The original concept of Dodgebow evolved from Combat Archery in LARPS (Live Action Role Playing). They say “Think paintball meets archery! But no paint is involved!” They use safe foam tipped arrows with low poundage bows and host a wide variety of games throughout the night including:
- Team Deathmatch
- Capture the Flag
- Plant the Bomb
- Hidden King
- Battle Royal
- and many more!
The game commenced life at the Beenleigh Showground Oval, attracting 40-50 participants for weekly sessions, and up to around 95 players for an event. Jay Rowe has been involved with the business from the start, taking it over approximately two years ago with a vision to expand into other areas. Recently Jay has brought his brother Kyle on board and they now have a team of five including: Clarissa, Lars, Taymon, Zack and Dylon to help run the games.

(Taymon Kenton-Smith is a Paralympian in Archery – watch out for our interview with Taymon in an upcoming edition.)

The community leaders of Yarrabilba thought Dodgebow would be a ‘good fit’ for the community and welcomed the archery games to their oval for their first session on Saturday 21 November 2020 – it was a great success and will continue on for many more weeks!

To book for the Yarrabilba or Beenleigh sessions, or to find out more, go to: www.dodgebow.com.au or email the team on: dodgebow@gmail.com