Yarrabilba Community Garden
It Is The Season For A Lot Of Things In The Yarabilba Community Garden!
Summer is quickly approaching so that means watermelons and cucumbers!!! We have some thing a little different this year when it comes to these two… mini varieties!!
Sugar baby watermelon seeds have just been planted and we can not wait to share them with you all. This cute variety of watermelon are small and round and super delicious, and cucamelon / mouse melons little grape size cucumbers with a hint of lime (see photo above).
A new compost pile has been started and once ready will be mixed in with all the beds that are running low or need a little extra nutrient in preparation for a new lot of crops in the coming seasons! We always welcome more grass clipping and mulch donations, this helps keep green waste out of landfill and also helps us with the compost and the continued supply of yummy things being grown (see photo).

The garden does not stop growing in the warm weather and neither do we! If you would like to get involved and join the local gardening community join us at yarrabilba community garden and on our facebook page www.facebook.com/YarrabilbaGarden

Thank you to everyone that has made the garden great this year, we hope to see you all back at the garden during the holidays and into next year for an even bigger and better year in the garden.
All the volunteers in the garden want to wish everyone in our community a happy and safe holidays and hope to have your continued support next year.
By Tash Devenish (Yarrabilba Community Garden Manager)