Samara’s Dreamed Of Opening A Florist Shop
With a father who kept over 400 different types of orchids in the house, Samara has grown up around plants and flowers all her life. Of her Dad, Samara jokes, “He’s a gardener!”
Samara loved being around flowers but with her study and work taking the direction into the area of communications, at the time the ideal of becoming a florist seemed unattainable.
When Samara’s baby turned four months old, she started working from home. Looking for further fulfillment, and with having a background in marketing and business, Samara was able to turn to her first love and launched an online florist shop.
“I have a billion tattoos of flowers on me” Samara said holding up her arms to show, “so becoming a florist seemed very natural.”
During Covid, Samara found the lockdown situation actually helped her business to ‘grow’. “When people are at home they want to send things to others, so Covid has helped us in that way.” But Samara had a dream to open a physical shop.
“Everyone being stuck at home heightened my sense of being able to move from online to a store, and within eight months of being online we opened the shop!”
And what a shop! The first thing we sensed when we entered the store at Yarrabilba was the florally perfumed air, the next thing was the visually stunning flower arrangements, each carefully and lovingly prepared by Samara and assistant, Courtney, of whom Samara says has been the “best thing to have happened in the shop!”. And of the shop, Samara said, “I liked my desk job, but nothing has been as fulfilling as this!”
Samara’s shop ‘Raising Flowers’ offers plants, dried flowers, diffusers, candles, vases, coffee cups, truffle chocolates locally sourced from Tamborine Mountain, and more – and of course beautifully prepared flower arrangements!
Call Samara on 0423 408 250, visit www.rffloraldesign.com
or drop into Shop 3/9-13 Waldron Street, Yarrabilba