What Happens When The Bee Finally Stings!

Tickets are now on sale for Village Green Theatre Groups final show of the year. The ‘Honey Bees’, written by Australian playwright Caleb Leis is the story of a family owned apiaries struggles to survive while the world’s honeybees are disappearing.
Set at a small family-owned apiary in dry and desolate outback Western Australia, this beautifully crafted story explores the life and history of a bee-keeping household including countless subplots, twists and turns that intertwine in a tight, enthralling manner.
Joan is the strong-willed mother and widow who runs the business, with help from her daughter Clover, dedicated labourer Kerrie (and long-term partner of Clover) and some overworked and underpaid ‘woofers’ (backpackers). Her son Daryl has secured a business transaction with a US company to keep his family’s apiary financially safeguarded, but the
agreement does not exactly go according to plan. Amidst this increasingly stressful situation arrives Melissa, a twenty something angsty runaway from Sydney searching for answers.

The Honey Bees is a tale of family and empire; action and consequences; and what happens when the bee finally stings! Director and president of the Village Green Theatre Group, Jo Connolly says that it is the first drama the group has presented. When searching for a show to produce, The Honey Bees stood out as a play that would resonate with the community as there
are many local beekeepers in the area. The show beautifully weaves a tale of education about our declining honeybee population within a very real family drama.
The Honey Bees will be performed in the main hall at Yarrabilba State Secondary College on the weekends of the 9th and 16th October.
Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased via www.villagegreentheatregroup.com.au or by ringing 0438 815 431.