Raises Funds For Palliative Unit Equipment …

The recent Friends Of Palliative Care Logan Gala supporting Metro South Palliative Care for Mission Possible was a fabulous event. We had a wonderful night, our auctions and raffles were very successful, and because of this we are ordering some equipment for the Palliative Care Unit.
We had great food and service from the Logan Diggers Club and danced to Craig Shaw Band until the wee hours.
A very happy night enjoyed by everyone that attended, so much so we have table pledges for next one on 23rd June! Mission Possible is holding a stall at Eats & Beats on 24th June (behind the BP) at Loganholme.
Friends of Palliative are working on their next event dates, for example, a Rags To Riches Fashion Show which is a great way of using our good used clothes.
By Gail Harrower (Mission Possible)