Jimboomba Toastmasters bade farewell to the outgoing President Marty Pouwelse and his executive committee, and welcomed Andrew Wills the newly elected President and a new executive committee at a Change-Over-Dinner at Jimboomba House restaurant, on Saturday, 2nd of July.
Members of Jimboomba Toastmasters have reported that Marty has been both supportive and inspirational in his role as President, helping to create a welcoming, inclusive environment for members to achieve their goals. Over the past year club membership grew, and Marty felt new members were already exceeding their expectations by facing their public speaking fears and developing leadership skills.
Marty said he found the role of President a rewarding experience.
“Whilst I didn’t join Toastmasters to be part of a committee, serving as President has taught me valuable leadership skills that I really wished I’d learned early on in my career. The rest to the executive team were incredibly supportive and the experience has proven that there is so much more to Toastmasters that just conquering a fear of public speaking. Taking on a leadership role has not only helped improved my communication but has seen my self-confidence increase beyond what being a normal member brings.”
An active member of Jimboomba Toastmasters since 2017, Marty Pouwelse, will remain on the committee in the role of Vice President Education.
Andrew Wills has been welcomed as the newly elected club President for the year 2022 – 2023. A member of Jimboomba Toastmasters since 2018, Andrew said he was “honoured to be voted club President for the coming year”, with his focus on promoting an environment in which everyone can thrive, like it has helped him.
“Toastmasters has helped me in countless ways. At our last meeting I was able to deliver a seven-minute speech with only the basics of an idea, and no notes. The idea of doing this before joining Toastmasters would be enough to make me feel ill. I would describe Toastmasters to new members and any interested in coming along just to have a look, as a big sandpit. It’s a place to play with ideas, learn new skills and deliver speeches in a supportive environment. We also have a lot of fun along the way, so the social aspect of Toastmasters is a big draw.”
Sandi Barry was awarded, ‘The Presidents trophy for unwavering service to the club’, being recognized for her positive attitude; being an active club member and willing to accept any role required.
Congratulations to all the newly elected executive committee members for 2022/2023:
President: Andrew Wills
Vice President Education: Marty Pouwlese
Vice President Education: Jean Turley
Vice President Public Relations: Stuart Wattam
Treasurer: Lee Bartlett
Secretary: Sandi Barry
Seargent at Arms: Michael Gray
Toastmasters caters for anyone over 18 years of age, whatever their experience level.
The club meets every second and fourth Wednesday at 6:45pm for a 7pm start at Dorrington
House on Johanna St, Jimboomba (opp the police station). Come along as a guest with no
pressure to participate. For details call Jean Turley on 0416 209 104 or visit
