How Can You Find The Right Job For You?
With Australia’s unemployment rate at a 50-year low, we often hear that there are lots of job vacancies out there, but how can you find the right job for you? And how do you know that a job that’s advertised is genuine?
Think Outside The Box
There are many great job search sites out there, and it’s definitely worth registering your details with them. But it’s also a good idea to think outside the box in your job search.
Employment Mentor, Vanessa from YFS’ Spark Employment Mentoring Program, recommends making a target list of places where you would like to work. Then reach out to them to see if they have any vacancies. It’s surprising how many jobs are not advertised.
Tell your friends and family that you’re looking for work so they can let you know if they hear of a suitable job. Maybe they can put in a good word for you as well.
You can also use social media to find jobs and job search advice. “We are seeing more people engaging with groups on Facebook, like the Jobs in Logan and Surrounds group,” Vanessa says. “Not only can you find lots of jobs advertised there, but you can also post information about what type of work you’re looking for and get some advice on what’s available for someone with your skills.”
Avoiding Job Scams
While there are lots of opportunities available at the moment, you also need to be aware of potential scams. Vanessa warns, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
“If the ad states, ‘no experience necessary’ and has a high hourly pay rate like $50 or $60 per hour, it’s probably a scam or a multi-level marketing scheme. Be suspicious if there’s no email address or contact number in the ad,” she says.
Be especially cautious if you’re asked to make an upfront investment, like paying for a starter kit or materials for the job, or if you’re asked to make a payment in exchange for work.
About Spark Women’s Employment Mentoring Program
Spark is a women’s employment mentoring program that provides work readiness mentoring and coaching to assist vulnerable women.
Spark mentors can help you build your profile, write your resume and improve your job search skills.

Read more about the program on the YFS website: or contact the Spark Team on 07 3826 1500.