YSSC Shark Tank Creating Business Solutions For Global Challenges …
Over the years school has changed and learning has changed. Students are now much more connected to what is happening in the real world. So, it was a privilege to attend Yarrabilba State Secondary College’s Enterprise Showcase and Shark Tank in June. The students from years 7 and 9 had been given the task of creating a business solution to “challenges faced in their world and beyond”. And create they did! Some of their business ideas were on display at the enterprise showcase. Ideas that answered problems like pollution in waterways from cosmetics and our massive clothing waste in landfill.
Other solutions were presented before judges at the Shark Tank part of the evening. Nine finalists pitched their ideas to the judges: Amanda Rosman and Desley Gillam from Queensland Fire & Emergency Services, Joel Hillier from Solesearcher Adventures, and entrepreneur Artur Daylidonis.

The teams presented with enthusiasm and passion for their solutions to real world problems. One team’s bold aim was to save the Great Barrier Reef from coral bleaching. Another, to turn plastic bottles, which take 450 years to breakdown, into sunglasses.
Judges then had the challenging task of choosing a winner. They were so impressed with two groups, Healing Hearts, Healing Hooves, and Carbon Exhaust Filters, that they awarded them joint first place. Healing Hearts, Healing Hooves had created an ointment for healing cuts and scrapes on horses and other animals injured in floods. Carbon Exhaust Filters aimed to clean the air by reducing pollution from cars. Second place went to Plant-Based, notebooks made from 100 % recycled paper embedded with native seeds. The judges kindly matched the prizes, laptops for each student, at their own expense.

Winners now have the chance to be in the Future Anything Grand Final later this year.
By Susan Alexander (Reporter)