Subsidised Counselling Sessions Now Available
5FOLD has added to its list of community services by offering $10 counselling sessions each week.

These subsidised sessions are held each Monday and are available to adult females who live in Yarrabilba, Logan Village, Jimboomba or Tamborine.
Director, Melinda Hartley said “We may be a small charity at present but we aren’t limiting ourselves in meeting the needs of our community. We are excited to grow and see what other services we can offer, including extending our counselling sessions to men and kids”. Melinda continued to say “We are here to help and appreciate that you don’t always need to have it all together. Sometimes you just need to take a breath and another step and we are here to help people do just that”.

Bookings are essential and can be made by contacting 5FOLD on 0423 639 051 or more information about 5FOLD, you can visit their website at or follow them on Facebook @5FOLDAU