Welcome To The Edition For November 2022
Hello once again readers of the Yarrabilba and Logan Village Bulletin and as I commence writing this on a wet and chilly Friday 21st October it is only 62 days to Christmas, how this year has flown and what a year we all have had, let’s hope Santa does not have any airport delays at the North Pole.

Saturday 1 October – Biggest BBQ Event at Bunnings Bethania, very busy day the afternoon was a bit wet (I was on duty, quack quack) but we had lots of customers who appreciated a nice hot Sausage Sizzle, all money raised went towards Lions Australia Biggest BBQ fund raiser.
Tuesday 4 October – At our Lions Dinner Meeting, our guest speaker was Nick Steiner ounder and CEO from the Mini Farms Project, I mentioned it in last month’s article. It was a very interesting talk the project is a lot bigger than we thought and has inspired the club to become more involved, we presented Nick with a cheque for $1000 for the construction of new produce beds at Loganlea State School
Saturday 8 October – Sausage Sizzle at Coles Yarrabilba a good day we sold lots of snags and raffle tickets and met some interesting locals.
Saturday 15 October – President Phil and Treasurer Tim were at Bunnings Bethania selling Raffle tickets and cakes, they sold over 150 raffle tickets and 20 cakes a very good day.
Saturday 22 October – Sausage Sizzle at Coles Yarrabilba and Woollies at Logan Village, slow start at both sites but picked up and we had good sales of snags and raffles.
Note: with the sausage sizzles held at Bunnings, Woollies and Coles for the Lions Biggest BBQ fundraiser, we were able to donate $2000 to this worthy cause.
Sunday 23 October – Unfortunately the Woodstock concert event was cancelled due to the forecast rain event.
Wednesday 26 October – LCC Seniors month BBQ event at Tygum Park Waterford, all food and drink funded by the LCC, lots of information for seniors and people to talk to for advice and information. The day was enjoyed by all who attended, well done the Lions who assisted.
Wednesday 26 October – The club hosted the Logan Country Chamber of Commerce’s AGM and provided the food and beverages.
Thursday 27 October – The club hosted the Logan Village Community Centres “Seniors Activation” morning tea event at the Lions Community Hall, the LVCC in conjunction with the LCC had exhibitors from varied organisations that provide services and advise to Seniors, there were many interesting speakers and morning tea was supplied by Lions, we thank the Village Bakery for supplying the lovely eats and a well done to Shalarna from the LVCC for her organisation (apart from the microphone and computer alarm!!!) on the day.
LIONS Club News
• Tuesday 25 October – Members attended the Logan Combined Services Clubs Dinner Meeting – an interesting night with good speakers and lots of social interaction with other service clubs.
• Wednesday 26 October – President Phil and Secretary Brad attended an evening function at BCC City Hall as part of Seniors Month, it was an interesting event and they gained some worthwhile knowledge from attending.
Lismore Lions Club 75th Anniversary
A celebration dinner was held at Invercauld House, Goonellabah on 1st October to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the first Lions Club in Australia formed in Lismore in 1947 by Bill Tresize.
The dinner and other events was attended by Lions from across Australia, our District Governor DG Ian Bruning and his wife Therese attended along with Lions from many clubs within our District 201Q1. Local MP Janelle Saffin and Lismore mayor Cr Steve King attended the dinner and both spoke on the needs of Lismore following the floods and pledged help, as have Lions Australia.
It was a great event and showed the history of the Lismore club from its founding in 1947 up till the present day DG Ian advised all who attended were made most welcome and enjoyed the events that were organised, he says that the 100 year celebration in 2047 will be a milestone for Lions Australia.
Club Member News
Our longest serving Lion PDG Warren Milevski who has over 40 years’ service in Lions celebrates his 80th birthday and his family has laid on a party for him at the Lions Community Hall, which he and wife Marlyn had managed for the club for many years, a happy birthday to you Warren and a big thanks for all you have done for Lions over the last 4 plus decades.
Lions Club Charity Golf Day – Sunday 20th November
Lion Tim advises all is going well, he still has space for a couple more teams so if you are interested
please contact him ASAP, thank you to all who have sponsored holes etc. and for all the donations of
prizes and goods, if you would like to help we are still happy to accept contributions.
Remember all profits go to help the local Community. Please contact Lion Tim 0478 762 721.
Lions Christmas Cakes
We have cakes in stock and will be stocking up our outlets in the next week or so.
Local outlets will be:
Bendigo Bank –Wharf St
LV Chemist – behind the bank
Please contact me if you need a bulk order 0421 908 369 or cannot get to an outlet, we will deliver
to you.
Well dear readers that is it for the November issue, us Lions will be very busy up till Christmas so give us a cheery smile when you see us working away over the next two months.
Please keep safe and well and children please remember Santa knows if you have been good or bad so be good for goodness sake. Please continue to give your thoughts and prays to all around the world who are suffering from War Conflicts, Political Oppression, Severe Weather Events, Food Shortages and Energy Problems and help out if you can.
Yours in Lions
Lion Trevor Nunn
Media Liaison Officer – 0421 908 369
Lions Club of Logan Village Inc.