LV Lions Golf Charity Day A Great Success …
The Logan Village Lions Golf Charity Day was held on Sunday 20 November at the Logan Village Golf Links. It was a great day with a full contingent of teams, including: mixed gender teams, male only, and all female teams (we need more next year ladies!) from various organisations and clubs.
The weather was threatening, but apart from a little bit of liquid sunshine it remained dry, if somewhat hot and steamy after the rain, but the hardy Golfers played on regardless, the drinks buggies were kept busy keeping everybody hydrated (one way or another) and fed with amazing meat and salad rolls. Players were also able to win a frozen chickens by finding ‘chook pics’ hidden around the course.
The day was a great financial success, we raised close to $10,000 from the registration team fees, various competitions and raffles, and of course, the very kind sponsorships and donations we received – well done Lion Tim for his hard work in obtaining these!
We must congratulate Charlie Bennett from MS Queensland and his Team Jenny for a fantastic sale of raffle tickets – it was a new record, we had 78 raffle prizes, and they were won by supporters from MS Queensland and the golf team attendees on the day. A big thank you to all who donated prizes for the raffle.

and wizard raffle ticket seller), and MS QLD team members

to Lion Steve Annels from Dunrite Pest Services as Chief Sponsor of the Day
MS Queensland will be the main recipient of the proceeds for the day with which the club has formed a good working relationship and who do a magnificent job assisting people suffering from MS.
Organiser Lion Tim would like to thank all the organisations, firms and individuals who provided sponsorship and/or donations for the event and to everybody who assisted Lions to run the event (thank you certificates have gone out to these people) also a big thank you to Lorna from the Golf Club and the committee for assisting Lions and making the day possible.
Tim has advised that the majority of teams informed him they will be back again next year and will let their workmates and friends know what a great day it is – so we are looking forward to an even bigger year in 2023!
A final thank you to all the Lions who helped out on the day. It takes a good team to run such an event, well done all our Lions and friends of Lions who assisted, it was a great success!