Petition To Bring Post Office To Yarrabilba …

A move to bring a full-service post office to Yarrabilba is gaining momentum with more than 800 residents lending their signatures to a petition.
The petition, available at Terry White Chemmart in Yarrabilba, is calling for a dedicated post office to be established in Yarrabilba to provide a wider range of post office products and services to the community.
City Lifestyle Chair and Division 4 area Councillor Laurie Koranski has lent her support to the petition.
“With more than 11,000 people living in Yarrabilba and the area expanding rapidly we need a full post office” Cr Koranski said. “Whilst the team at Terry White have done a great job filling the gap as an agency, residents don’t want to travel to Jimboomba or Waterford West to access full postal services”.
“I encourage everyone who lives in and around Yarrabilba to sign the petition” she said.

Terry White Chemmart Yarrabilba acts as a parcel collection point and is authorised to sell stamps and prepaid envelopes. A spokesperson for the chemist said growth and demand for postal services had outstripped their capacity to meet community demand.
To lend your support to establishing a full service post office in Yarrabilba, visit Terry White Chemmart, Waldron Street to sign the petition.