Meet & Greet @ The Buzz!
The Buzz held at Yarrabilba held a “Meet & Greet” event on Friday 24th March. Joel Tuita, Centre Manager, said the purpose was to find out what the community wants at The Buzz, and to meet the team who work there. He welcomed people to have a say and get involved.

Officers from Logan Village Yarrabilba Police Station served at the BBQ. Local firefighters allowed kids and grownups to spray water from the high pressure fire hose (better than a backyard sprinkler on a hot day!). Rekon staff made printed T shirts to young people’s own designs. Reese Dance Studio, new to Yarrabilba, came to promote their pre-school and primary dance programs, and SHIB Popz gave away snow cones and popcorn.

Alison Clark, from the YMCA Brisbane, said that the Buzz will mainly have youth programs, but the public will also be able to hire space for functions. Sheree Senyard and Zac Hare from San Damiano said their school was looking forward to having events at The Buzz such as Regional E-Sports, and mock job interviews for students.

Community members were excited about the possibilities. Meiko said it was a good facility for the community and she looked forward to seeing more activities. New residents, Rodrigo and Leticia, said it was great to have a place where their children could get to know others.

The Meet & Greet was a great success! Yarrabilba’s people came and met, they ate and played, and went home with a richer sense of community, thanks to a warm welcome from the team at The Buzz.

By Susan Alexander (Reporter)