LR Chamber Of Commerce Presents Cricket Legend!
The Logan Regional Chamber of Commerce recently held a Breakfast Meeting at the Logan Village Hotel with Guest Speaker Former Australian Test Cricketer, Michael Kasporwizc, now Director on the Board of Cricket Australia.
With an eye for international trade and a natural talent for business, he is an active member of the Australian India Business Council and founder and director of the consultancy firm Venture India (- providing clients with advice and support to build and maintain profitable relationships in India).
President Logan Regional Chamber of Commerce Chyerl Pridham said “It was a great morning at the Logan Village Hotel. Michael Kasporwizc is an awesome person really down to earth. Michael spoke about his cricketing career and how when it finished he found he had no real employable skills and so went back to school (University). He then went on to tell us about the businesses he started, and what he is up to now!”
A most ‘delicious breakfast event’ was enjoyed by all members who attended!