100 Easter Activity Packs Given To Children
Dunamis Church had an overwhelming response from their Easter community event. It may not have been as they expected but their team gave away over 100 Easter Activity Packs to children within Yarrabilba and continued to provide online activities to families. These packs included crafts, colouring in, challenges and activities, an Easter story book and Easter eggs to do a DIY hunt at home. They also gave away 3 massive baskets of Easter eggs.
Pastor Melinda stated “Plans were set, but then COVID-19 happened! Nothing was going to hold us back. We adapted and blessed our community in bringing our event to them!”.
Dunamis Church are excited about future events they will be holding throughout this year.
Some Of Our Many Messages From Parents:
“These packs are incredible… thank you so much Dunamis Church”
“Thank you so much for delivering these activity packs, the girls absolutely loved doing their own Easter egg hunt”
“Miss 6 has already done her Bunny Hunt all by herself!”
“Happy Easter and thank you for all the wonderful work you do in our community”
“The Bunny craft was a big hit”