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Queen’s Jubilee Bonfire Celebration
2 June 2022 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

1500 Town Criers Join Together
For Queen’s Jubilee Bonfire Celebration
In an event not to be missed, at 5pm on Thursday 2 June 2022, commemorating the Queens 70th Year on the Throne, a Platinum Jubilee Celebration containing a Signal Bonfire, will be held concurrently around the world.
Content specially prepared by Buckingham Palace will be supplied to participants globally as ceremonies play out to script in all Commonwealth Colonies.
One of only 28 Town Criers in Australia, our very own Town Crier Syd Norman, will join the ranks of the 1500 Town Criers around the world to announce the Cry and ring the bell to commence our ceremony to be held in the grounds of the Tamborine Memorial Hall on this special evening.
Members of the Tamborine Mountain State School Choir and Bugler Alliyah Wallace will be practicing their specially provided scripts as we speak, along with Syd, in preparation for this momentous event.
In an anticipated half hour ceremony Town Crier Syd will begin by ringing the bell and crying the announcement, Scenic Rim Army Cadets will then escort Piper David Greenhalgh playing bagpipes, and the Tamborine Mountain Scout Group will follow to escort Bugler Alliyah to blow her call.
A specially selected and preferably Queen’s Scout will light the signal bonfire under the supervision of the Tamborine Rural Fire Brigade as the assembled throng sings “God Save the Queen”. All washed down with a mammoth community BBQ to follow.
Syd is rightly looking forward to this ‘Once In A Lifetime Event’ and hopes to see you all there!